But lets take a look at one example. You want to have a world map with different colors per country depending on how much occurrences there are in GBIF database for a certain taxon, uff!. For example Pinales:
Well it is pretty simple, the URL looks like this:
Well it looks complicate at first look but this is just because of the encoding of the data to represent. Step by step is easier, this how it was done:
1) Connect to the GBIF API service to retrieve occurrences per taxon and per country:
2) Generate the URL for charting:
$churl = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chs=300x163&chco=ffffff,edf0d4,13390a&chtm=world&chf=bg,s,EAF7FE";
foreach($json['Resultset']['Result'] as $country) {
$country_data = substr($country_data,0,strlen($country_data)-1);
$churl .= "&chld=".$country_list;
$churl .= google_chart_encode($country_data,"s");
Thats it! You got the URL. this was done in PHP but it could had even been done in Javascript
I also used it to represent the amount of data per country currently avaialble in GBIF. If anybody is interested please let me know and I will provide the code.