So after playing a bit with it and radiohead data I could not resist to create my own experiment. And now that I am playing so much with GBIF density data I thought this could be cool data to represent. I am not sure if it has any potential "real" use but never the less it is lot of fun and maybe a little artistic. The idea is to represent the GBIF density data for Fungi using the count of each cell as the z parameter in the 3D space. This is how the output looks like:
You can download the output also as a native application for:
Or use it as a Java applet at this place. It does not work in my computer but you know Java applets, they never work as intended ;)
The source code used to generate this program looks like:
import processing.xml.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
XMLElement xml;
ArrayList points = new ArrayList();
int maxCount = 0;
int currentX;
int currentY;
int frameCounter =1;
void setup() {
size(1024,768, OPENGL);
//Draw lines at a width of 1, for now.
xml = new XMLElement(this, "");
XMLElement[] densityRecords = xml.getChildren()[1].getChildren();
int numSites = densityRecords.length;
for (int i = 0; i < densityrecord =" densityRecords[i].getChildren();" coord =" new"> maxCount) {
maxCount = int(densityRecord[4].getContent());
void draw() {
// Lets adjust our center slightly
// Lets draw things bigger
// We'll use a black background
// The data has 0,0,0 at the center and we want to draw that point at the center of our screen
translate(width/2, height/2);
for(int i=0; i1000) {
z= z/10;
z = (z*10000)/maxCount;
// println(x+"-"+y+"-"+z);
//This is used to save frames to create a video for Youtube
Lot of things could be improved to make it more interesting, but that was nerdy enough. I have not been available to work much lately due to weddings, climbing mountains, birthdays, etc. Hopefully you will see some more things coming from my side soon.